Friday, March 20, 2009

Entry #12: Look@Me! I'm Jack Keourac

Facebook quizzes have to be the coolest apps on the site. They're even better than those 17 and Cosmo quizzes we used to have so much fun with in high school. According to the few quizzes I've taken:

  • my 80s movie is the Goonies (admittedly a favorite),
  • I'm the "lively center of attention" according to Dr. Phil (had to take that one twice cuz I so did not like his original indictment - vain, self-centered leader - as if; and am I the only one who sees his categories as condescending?)
  • New York is my city (okay anyone who knows me knows that's true but I was kind of hoping for Paris)
  • My goddess is Morgan LeFaye Celtic triple threat - sweet! Although my goddess knowledge is nil so is that good? what are the other choices? hmm. may have to take that one again
  • The flower that represents me is the sunflower (fab)
  • and, as referenced in the title to today's missive, my writer type muse idol is Jack Kerouac, renowned and infamous beat poet writer painter Buddhist lover of jazz. That one I own with pleasure - would love to have that on my epitaph, along with best mom & wife ever.
So what does all this mean? Not much of anything except they're fun and I wanted to share.


  1. Wow! What a wonderful human being! You know...I bet that "best mom & wife ever" just might make it to your epitaph...along with "best niece ever!"

    Love ya!
